Why Poland

Poland have strong economic performance boosted by growing exports, increasing household consumption, low unemployment, rising wagesand EU funds.

Dynamic market located in the heart of Central Europe

38 million people - the largest single market among the “new” European Union (EU) states

4.1% GDP growth in 2019 according to the World Bank

10th largest economy in EU - 592 billion USD of an estimated 2019 GDP

40th place on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index

How can we help?


Sales and
marketing plan

Interim operations

Why MyPoint?


years on the market
in consulting, marketing and sales


projects delivered
for B2B and B2C companies


new projects are referrals
from our customers

" If you can measure it, you can manage it "

P. Drucker

Why MyPoint?

Hands on attitude

We are both strategists and practitioners. We not only run insightful market researches and analysis but are ready to set up first marketing and sales operations on Polish market for our clients.

Why MyPoint?

Data-driven approach

We fully relay on data. We plan and structure all our work as experiments that are specific, measurable, ambitious and attainable. This way we can move forward fast finding the right operational model for your brand with no overspends or time loss.

Why MyPoint?

Fast time-to-market

We are end-to-end partner who can lead you through research and strategy phase and take fully ownership of developing your first operations in Poland as your interim partner in sales and marketing field. With our fast-paced experimental work culture you can be sure to determine resonating value proposition and get your brand ready to scale its presence on Polish market.

Let's discuss
your project

Contact us!

+48 602 880 331

Al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warsaw, Poland